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Apply Here
Location (Please Check One)
Educational History:
Availability: Check All That Apply
Available Shifts to Work
List the hours available/unavailable to work each day
General Information:
Are you legally able to be employed in the USA?
Have you ever been fired from a job?
Have you ever worked in a restaurant before?
Do you have reliable transportation to work?
Recent Jobs (if not applicable, list work performed on volunteer basis or personal references)
Recent Jobs (if not applicable, list work performed on volunteer basis or personal references)
Have they worked at Dairy King?
Have they worked at Dairy King?
Schedules Available:
Dairy King works with their employees and their schedule. If you are in school we will work around your schedule. If you are an adult, we will try to work with your kid's schedule.
Jobs Available are: (check the one that applies to you)
Once a Dairy King Girl or Guy always a DK Girl or Guy which means if you go away to college and come back during the summer, Christmas Break, Spring break, maybe a weekend your are home; you will be able to work if you're left in good standing

Thanks for applying!We’ll get back to you soon.

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